Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Day of Rest

Wow!  It's Sunday.  The plan was to go to the annual beach day with the greatest group of people, but I woke up with so much pain, I could hardly move.  In my typical Terri fashion, I went through the motions, slowly, of getting ready to follow through with the family plan.  I knew I needed some assistance, so my husband was close by for my morning routine, helping me along the way.  After my shower, I had to lay down.  I even tried brushing my hair in bed, putting my face cream on while struggling to lift my arms.  I was determined, but it was clear that I wasn't going to get very far today.

I often want to deny or push through the fibromyalgia with the hope that I can overcome it's debilitating effects on my body and mind.  Of course I would have loved to have spent the day on the beach with my great husband, wonderful kids and amazing friends.  Today, I needed a day of rest.  It's hard to not feel as though I missed out on something fun.  I somehow have to believe that there is a bigger reason why today, of all days, my body was experiencing such challenges.  I'm sad that I missed out, but I'm happy that my family didn't.

Before leaving for the beach day, Ray set me up with all that I needed, in the living room.  I slept through three movies, drank my juices, checked in with FB and slept a little more.  Sometimes we just need a day of rest.

Thanks for reading, forwarding and following!!!

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